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AI Advancements in SATCOMS: Nowcasting Rainfall and Predicting Traffic Congestion

In phase 1 of the project, two different use cases were tackled by the partners responsible for AI development, AIKO and CTTC. AIKO provided a model for each of them, trying to build effective solutions for telecommunication operators on the specific matters of signal attenuation and traffic congestion. Use case 1: prediction of rainfall on gateways locations For this use case, AIKO aimed to develop… Read More »AI Advancements in SATCOMS: Nowcasting Rainfall and Predicting Traffic Congestion

Introducing AI/ML into the SATCOM payload control systems

In the last few years, we are facing a revolution in the SATCOM market. Mainly, it is due to the rapid development of the software-defined or even completely digital payloads. These modern satellites permit the provision of new services, while creating new necessities never imagined before. The revolution has started. Traditional payloads, understood as ad hoc hardware designed for a specific mission, have been left… Read More »Introducing AI/ML into the SATCOM payload control systems

Data to train AI to help us managing and monitoring a telecommunication network

As we already explained in another post (ATRIA, a.k.a. how Artificial Intelligence can Empower Satcom ground operations – ATRIA ( the main goal of ATRIA is the prototyping of a data-driven tool, called Artificial Intelligence – Packet Control Software (AI-PCS), which uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to extract information from data to autonomously identify the optimum configuration of the available resources for the on-demand… Read More »Data to train AI to help us managing and monitoring a telecommunication network

Exploring the Flexible Payload Emulator (FPE): Verify payload control operations in emulation

In the realm of satellite systems, digital transparent processors (DTPs) have revolutionised the way we perceive and utilise satellites. These advanced systems transform satellites into flexible, software-defined objects, offering real-time configuration possibilities that were previously unimaginable with analogue payloads. To facilitate the development and verification of an Artificial Intelligence Payload Control System (AI-PCS), a Flexible Payload Emulator (FPE) has been introduced. The video linked above… Read More »Exploring the Flexible Payload Emulator (FPE): Verify payload control operations in emulation

ATRIA, a.k.a. how Artificial Intelligence can Empower Satcom ground operations

The space segment market is going to open a new scenario made by flexible satellites based on digital payloads as a consequence of technological development, the emergence of new necessities (such as the exponential increase in demand for connectivity and quality of service), and the corresponding commitment to the full replacement of custom hardware solutions by customizable software alternatives. These new flexible payloads offer unprecedent… Read More »ATRIA, a.k.a. how Artificial Intelligence can Empower Satcom ground operations

ATRIA Flexible Payload Emulator

Authors: Katja Vornberger, Jannis Mainczyk and Rainer Wansch Simulating satellite systems is a crucial task for researchers and engineers who design and develop these complex systems. In particular, a link-level emulator can provide valuable insights into the performance and behaviour of satellite systems, including the effects of different payloads and beamforming techniques. In ATRIA, a link-level emulator for flexible payloads with beamforming capabilities is developed… Read More »ATRIA Flexible Payload Emulator

Data-Driven Space Operations

Authors: Gabriele Giordana, AIKO. The upcoming next generation of satellites will be characterized by a higher level of operative flexibility and automation both from the platform management and payload configuration standpoints. Additionally, augmented connectivity in terms of communication capabilities will result in an unprecedented integration of satellite services with terrestrial deployments. This scenario leads to an increase in complexity in fulfilling the users’ requirements which… Read More »Data-Driven Space Operations

The increasing importance of software in the aerospace industry

Flexibility and versatility are currently desirable characteristics of space systems. Customer demands are changing unceasingly and this fact implies new requirements for satellites and satellite communication systems. The current trend is repurposable satellites, considering their long life cycles. And here is where software can play a relevant role. Softwarisation is not a new concept in the telecommunications environment. We can identify previously deployed paradigms, such… Read More »The increasing importance of software in the aerospace industry

1st Official Press Release

ATRIA project funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 Programme, officially started on April 1st as part of the H2020-SPACE-2020 project working on the topics of satellite communications. The project aims to build a generic and intelligent tool (AI-PCS) to control current satellite flexible payloads and their configurable traditional counterparts. Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques will provide the tool with the sufficient intelligence to autonomously decide… Read More »1st Official Press Release


The new H2020 Space project called AI-Powered Ground Segment Control for Flexible Payloads was kicked off on April 16th 2021. The project aims to build a generic and intelligent tool (AI-PCS) to control current satellite flexible payloads and their configurable traditional counterparts. Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques will provide the tool with sufficient intelligence to autonomously decide the optimum configuration of the available satellite resources for… Read More »ATRIA Kick-OFF